Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

what's on my coffee table?

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I've got a problem. I buy too many books, always saying to myself that it's really important to buy this book now, before I even read all the other books lying around my flat in huge piles. But this year has to be different, I'm saying to myself. So one of my new years resolutions (well not really, because I decided it just a few days ago but whatever) is to choose four books from one of those piles and read them in one month. And when I have those finished I can buy me another one. That does sound like a plan, doesn't it? Now I want to show you which books have the honor of lying on my coffeetable this month. It's a colorful mix this time so let's start!

1. "Das Bully-Buch" - This one is pretty self explanatorily. I've been thinking about getting a French Bulldog puppy for almost two years now and this year I want it to finally happen. But that also means there is a lot of preparation to do and therefore I bought this book. It's a cute book, with a good insight of how life is like when having a French Bulldog!

2- Alexa Chung's "It" - Also pretty much self explanatorily. You can't unsee the hype about this book, my Instagram is full of pictures of it on a daily basis. And that is okay because it has one of the prettiest bookcovers I have seen and is from one of the prettiest girls I have seen (on the internet). The texts are not that long that's why I'm almost through with it - and I can say it's really worth the money.

3. "Hyperbole and a half" by Allie Brosch - It's hilarious. This book was a present from my boyfriend in december, so I already read a lot of it. If you don't know Allie Brosch's Blog you should totally check it out. She does those really simple drawings (probably with paint ms?) but manages to express so much. Some chapter are just plain funny, some are funny but at the same time sad but that's how life is like. I always read a chapter when I'm feeling down and it never fails to cheer my up.

4. "Die Kunst ein kreatives Leben zu führen" by Frank Berzbach - In englisch: the art of living a creative life. I haven't read much of it yet but firstly I have to say: The design and layout is absolutely beautiful. I really enjoy just looking at it. This book isn't about how to be supercool design guy but covers themes like the fear of when you have no ideas for a new project or you do not find any clients. It also has a chapter about meditation and drinking tea which I think is really interesting. I'm really excited to read this book and see if I can take something out of it.

That was longer than I excepted it to be. I hope you enjoyed my little guide to my coffeetable!
Have lovely day,

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