Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014

maybe I should start a blog

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(this is my hiding behind a cactus)

that's what was going through my mind the past weeks. And as the new year is still in it's baby-shoes and it's the time of new beginnings, I thought: why not?  So here I am. Right now it just seems like a fun thing to do. It's possible that I stop in a few weeks, months or even days, because after 22 years of living with myself I know me quite well (I think) and I also know that I get bored quickly.  
But! we will see, who knows. This blog is about everything that brightens up my day. As I am a design student, I've got a great love for everything pretty. 
That can be a lovely magazine, a great photo, nice colors, a funny illustration or just a well designed business card. I love going to a good exhibition here in my hometown Berlin or seeing a really good band live or eating a delicious dinner. And of course I am a girlygirl, that's why I love to go shopping for new clothes, make up and skincare. 
I think that sums up what I want to share with you on this blog pretty well. And now I will shut up, let the "adventure" begin!

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