Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014

crazy about copper

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What a cheesy blogpost title. But I don't care! I am crazy about copper and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Because the whole blogger,pinterest,tumblr world is aswell. Unfortunately I can't spend a fortune on pretty copper decor from Hay or Etsy like I want to, that's why I came up with super super easy DIY. Well, actually DIY may be a little bit exaggerated because this is what I did:
I bought a copper plate here, cut it in a square shape, cut my finger with it (be careful!), searched for a plaster, found one with little kitten on it, was happy about those little kitten, came back to the copper plate and shaped it in a bowl form until I was happy with the result. Voila! All my necklaces I wear on a daily basis have now found home in this copper bowl. Also it fits perfectly with my keychain I got in Hay in Copenhagen. I hope you like it!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Sieht wunderhüsch aus! Ich bin auch in love with copper ;) x m

    1. danke! ja ich will auch bald das eine kupferarmband aus deinem video versuchen nachzubasteln :)


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